Tree Planting Experience in Gersale Village, Konso
The Konso Development Association (KDA) is a long-running community-based development organization that facilitates work to sustainably improve the living conditions of the people in the region. The Travelers Philanthropy Fund has partnered with KDA’s efforts to rehabilitate eroded lands in the Gersale village of Konso. The community-based nursery houses thousands of seedlings of different varieties of trees while soil and water conservation activities lay the groundwork for reviving an ecosystem in otherwise harsh ecosystems.
The Experience
Visitors start with a tour of the local nursery, learning about the various trees being grown. After selecting the tree of their choice, participants bring their seedling to a nearby degraded area to plant the tree in a ceremony that is bless by a local village elder. The contribution of US$20/seedling goes toward the care of the seedling to ensure sustainability and maximum impact. Name tags with the name of the donor and the date of planting will be hung in the nursery to commemorate the donation.